We have a couple young adult malamutes available right now to very select homes . Fence, no cats, no dogs of same sex, no shipping . Home check required.
Alaskan Malamutes will roam due to their hunting instincts.... even if left in an unsecured for a few minutes! They absolutely need a securely fenced yard . NO dog parks for malamutes. No electric fence, they will not work with mals.
Are you aware Alaskan Malamutes are sometimes same-sex aggressive and can be more aggressive towards other dogs than other breeds ? It is recommended that no more than two Alaskan Malamutes (of opposite sex only) ever be permitted to stay together unattended. If you have one female dog at home do not try and add another female , same with male/male . Male /female pair works best .
You can also check on App by emailing kalamals@swva.net
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